What's all the fuss? WHAT IS ALL THE FUSS?
Well, I'll tell you what all the fuss is. I broke my bike! Broke it.

Basically just punched a hole right through my carbon frame.
Now, if you are a stranger to bikes, that is like losing my medicine cabinet with my Ritalin, my highly addictive drug, while attached to the cutesy puppy ever in my car with my TV and bookshelf. I know, that would probably be easy to find. But I digress.
You see, my bike is my way to relax, unwind, recharge, get rid of nervous energy... I get off the bike with a renewed focus. Not to mention the fact that I crave the bike, which helps explain why I am spending crazy money to fix it. And, I love my bike. Yes. I Love My Bike.
But, there is good news on the horizon. I hear that I will have my bike back soon. Set your calendars for June 7.
Oh, and there are other bikes too. I own two broken mountain bikes (I just got a new seat post so I may have a working mountain bike now) and another broken road bike which I am turning into a TT machine. I don't love them in the same way.... Or as much.

It's a work in progress. Stay tuned.
Location:Richmond, Va