So, with cycling and family and everything et al and what not, I needed a break to take care of some things. I paid my credit cards, sat on my duff, watched some stages of le Tour.

I woke up in the morning, skipped the energy bars and had a real breakfast. Then, I went and got my hair done. I got a permanent, hopefully it will not be ruined by my helmet. By the way, here is some crazy footage of Chris Horner suffering from a head injury. He doesn't know where he is or whether he finished the stage. And he WAS WEARING A HELMET. That's why we wear them...

Once my hair was fixed, I went to work on my base tan. Need a tan in a strange city, go where the cheerleaders go... That's what I always say.

I did try out a new bike. I liked it, but just wasn't sure... I'm going to stick with my Scott CR1... for now.

Then it was on to a short training ride. Got lost, hit a thunderstorm, accidentally put in 50 miles. You know, the usual. You can track me here. The storm, the accidental turn down the dirt road meant it was bike cleaning time.

With a clean bike, it was on to dinner and desert at my aunt's place. She made some killer salmon and a redonculous potato salad with peppers and onions and broccoli flowers. Um, yum! And Lauren went crazy with the ice cream maker. More Jamocha Almond Fudge... But with walnuts. Sooooo good.

And that is my typical rest day... Or it could have been like yesterday, the feast of Arnold de Saissons. We celebrated by brewing beer. Of course, we also sampled some other flavors as we brewed. All in all a fine day of hops and barley and good company. Thanks Kristen and Scott.
Or, the day before when we headed into downtown Denver and saw a manhole cover blow off, and a wet bike path.

Location:Denver, Co
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